International activities
International cooperation enables Oro Navigacija to acquire and enhance relevant competencies, assisting the enterprise to become the most competitive airspace controller of the Baltic Sea region as well as the leader of the offered aviation solutions.
Baltic FAB
In 2012 Baltic Functional Airspace Block was established on the basis of international agreement between Lithuania and Poland. The purpose thereof is to contribute to solving future air traffic safety and capacity demands on the European scale by implementation of the legal acts of Single European Sky (SES) of the European Union program. Oro Navigacija is operating in close cooperation with Polish air navigation service provider (PANSA).
GATE One initiative
Regional platform of air navigation service providers from Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Austria, Macedonia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia and Albania), established in 2013. The purpose of this platform is to represent the interests of the air navigation service providers participating in GATE ONE initiative in the European Union Europos, to prepare common policy and initiate as well as coordinate joint regional projects.
B4 consortium
A consortium of air navigation service providers from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Lithuania, established on 8 September 2014. The ultimate objective of this consortium is to implement SESAR 2020 program projects, the purpose of which is to improve the European air traffic management (ATM) network functionality more efficiently by modernising and synchronising ATM systems, creating, developing, testing and introducing innovative technological and operational ATM solutions.
iTEC alliance
Oro Navigacija is a member of technological alliance iTEC. The biggest European air navigation service providers are members of this alliance: ENAIRE (Spain), DFS (Germany), NATS (the United Kingdom), AVINOR (Norway), LVNL (the Netherlands), PANSA (Poland), also their technological partner, manufacturer of air traffic management system “Indra”. Together they strive to achieve the following common goals:
- to increase airspace permeability by decreasing flight delays;
- to optimise flight routes and trajectories;
- to ensure more efficient air traffic management system;
- to decrease the flight costs and negative impact upon the environment.
Participation of Oro Navigacija in SESAR projects:
- PJ05-W2 DTT. Digital technologies for tower
- PJ10-W2 PROSA. Separation management and controller tools.
- PJ13-W2 ERICA. Enable RPAS insertion in controlled airspace.
- PPJ19-W2 CI. Content integration, performance management and business case development.
- PJ20-W2 AMPLE. ATM master plan maintenance.
- PJ32-W3 VC. Virtual centre.
- PJ34-W3 AURA. ATM U-Space interface.
Participation in international organisations
- International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)
- European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL)
- Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO)