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Employees are the foundation of our joint success in providing the most significant air navigation services safely and maintaining excellent quality. Taking that into consideration, we constantly seek:

  • to develop their competencies;
  • to provide conditions for efficient and high-quality work;
  • to ensure social guarantees and a benevolent atmosphere of mutual understanding;
  • to encourage and appreciate their initiatives and responsible attitude.


Employee selection and recruitment

We aim to bring together a team the members of which are close to the values of the enterprise and they possess the necessary competencies. In Oro Navigacija, the selection of employees is carried out in compliance with the principle of impartiality and following objective and transparent criteria, moreover, we provide feedback to all candidates who have participated in the selection. During the selection, we provide equal opportunities both for the current employees of the enterprise (who want to change their position or to achieve a higher one) and for the external candidates. We introduce every new employee to the new work environment, help to get to know colleagues better, work culture and the enterprise itself: the values, activity and work principles thereof, introduce the rights and responsibilities of the employee. We always encourage employees to rise across the internal career ladder and participate in the selections actively.

Development of employee competencies

The enterprise recruits and employs highest qualification specialists, therefore, we constantly ensure the development of not only the possessed, but also new required competencies. We allocate a lot of attention and the necessary resources to this matter. Employee competency development assists every employee and expands the professional knowledge, which is significant for fluent operation of the enterprise.

Equality and non-discrimination of the employees

Oro Navigacija operates in accordance with Employee Code of Conduct and equal opportunity implementation monitoring principles, fosters the principles of variety and the main measures for their implementation. We ensure equal recruitment, development and career opportunities for current and potential employees irrespectively of their sex, ethnic origin, religion, age, work capacity, sexual orientation, nationality, political affiliations, membership in the trade unions, social origin and etc. We maintain zero tolerance for discrimination and disrespectful behaviour with the colleagues, stakeholders and institutions, thus, we base our cooperation on respect and trust, open and transparent cooperation. The enterprise has an operating Trust Line, which we encourage our employees and stakeholders to use when reporting about the situation which have influence upon the safety and security of the services provided by the enterprise as well as notify about the mistakes made personally. We guarantee confidentiality.

Dialogue with trade unions

Oro Navigacija supports voluntary formation of trade unions and maintains a close cooperation with them: we regularly organise meetings, during which we discuss relevant matters with the employees, involve the representatives of these trade unions into the decision-making process. Every year we provide financial support for the cultural activities of the trade unions. Moreover, Oro Navigacija has a valid Collective Agreement, which ensures additional social guarantees and financial benefits to all the employees of the enterprise.


The wage system applied at the enterprise encourages improvement of the work quality and motivation, qualitative implementation of the set goals, increases the professionality of the employees as well as their loyalty to the enterprise. In order to prevent discrimination on the basis of sex or other grounds, equal wage is paid to men and women for the same work of work of equal value. The wage system valid at the enterprise is an integral part of the Collective Agreement and all the employees are subject to it.

Safety and health of the employees

One of the main priorities of the enterprise is to ensure safety and health of the employees, since they enable us to provide the highest quality services and ensure fluent continuation of the activity. Seeking to ensure that the enterprise undertakes all the preventive measures for maintaining the working capacities, health and lives of the employees at work, which are applied or planned at every stage of activity of Oro Navigacija, so that the employees are either protected from professional or it is reduced as much as possible. Oro Navigacija does not tolerate the consumption of psychoactive substances and imposes measures for prevention of problematic cases of consumption thereof: executes inspections and educational activities. We provide support to the employees, who believe that they might face problems, regarding the consumption of these substances, and encourage them to seek support by addressing the respectful institutions and we guarantee everything necessary to provide support.

Stress and critical incident management

Every day our employees are engaged in a very responsible work at the enterprise which is of strategic significance for the national safety of the country, therefore, we ensure systematic monitoring of the stress experienced by the employees and as well as critical incident management. That enabled us to contribute to maintaining the highest level of health and wellbeing of the employees.

Managing stress, critical incidents and the fatigue that sometimes results from it is a joint responsibility of the enterprise, the managers and employees thereof.

  • We take the workloads of the employees under responsible consideration.
  • We respect the right of the employees to rest, we have additionally equipped rooms for rest time at the enterprise.
  • We ensure a balance between the professional and personal life of an employee.

We pay special attention to the employees providing air traffic services and reducing the stress they experience. Oro Navigacija has a critical incident stress management program, if necessary, all employees of the enterprise are encouraged to consult a psychologist working at the enterprise. We allocate the necessary resources for this program and rely on the best practices.

Openness and responsibility to the society

We organize excursions for schoolchildren and students, during the excursions we introduce the main activities of the enterprise and allow to see behind the scenes.

The services provided by Oro Navigacija are important for the successful development of the country, our activity is classified as that of the enterprise of strategic importance for national security. We understand the expectations of the society for us to operate upholding the highest standards of transparency, governance, ethics and social responsibility, thus, we make effort every day work daily to respond to their needs.


Updated at: 2022-01-28 12:50:30